Jewelry shopping can be fun and stressful if you want an expensive piece. Jewelry is created from a variety of different materials and there is a vast cost difference between each type. Someone who is not educated on jewelry may end up paying more than they should. Read on if you want some great advice about purchasing jewelry.
When storing your jewelry, be sure that you store it in a place with low humidity and free of open air. Keep your jewelry in a drawstring bag or in a box that is made for jewelry. Being submitted to extreme humidity and temperature can cause your pieces to tarnish. Tarnish can be removed from precious metals like gold and silver, but they cannot be removed from other metals.
When you are shopping, think about the color or type of gem you want to buy. Gems can be natural, imitation or synthetic. You have to know that imitation refers to colored plastic. The difference here, however, is that synthetic is man-made in a laboratory while natural is found buried in the earth.
Notice what type of earrings they are wearing, including the shape and metal. By doing this you should have a good idea what to buy them.
Before you think about picking up new jewelry, check into what the latest trends are to get a sense of what’s of value. The only thing that can make picking out a fantastic piece of jewelry better is if you get it at a discount.
If you can prevent your jewelry from tarnishing, it will surely look much more attractive. One of the best ways to keep your jewelry looking beautiful is to avoid wearing it in water. Many types of metal will become dulled, tarnished, or rusty when exposed to it. To protect your jewelry from exposure, apply a single coat of clear nail lacquer to its surface.
Going through a day wearing the jewelry will let you get familiar with how it hangs and whether or not it will be comfortable. This will also let you know how the piece holds up in every day environments.
Determine whether or not your stone received a treatment, and what kind, prior to purchasing it. There are several different types of treatment, and each one needs it’s own type of care. If you use the wrong cleanser because you are uneducated about the gem, you could strip off the treatment and even damage the stone.
When you buy a piece of jewelry, know what your plans for it are. There’s no sense in spending a lot of money of pieces that you’ll never wear. When making a selection, remember your outfits, clothing and accessories.
This applies to dry and steam-filled saunas. Both heat and moisture will damage your jewelery.
Any type of necklace or bracelet should have a strong clasp. You may end up losing a treasured or costly piece through no fault of your own. You can avoid this by looking at the clasps prior to purchasing new pieces. A safety clasp should always be used on expensive jewelry. Actually, some people opt for an additional clasp on more expensive pieces.
Take your jewelry off before you go swimming. The life and luster of your jewelry can be damaged by the strong chemical chlorine. Saltwater is equally damaging to your precious jewels. Take your jewelry off first to keep it from becoming damaged or tarnished.
Necklaces often get tangled, so consider buying stylish robe hooks with embellishments to hang them and keep them untangled. Put these small hooks along a bedroom wall or even on a closet door to organize and hang your necklaces from. This little display looks appealing and keeps chains from tangling at the same time.
Gold Jewelry
The price of gold is a major limiting factor to being able to afford beautiful gold jewelry. Karat selection is a way to reduce the price of your gold jewelry. Many people think of 18 karats as the best compromise between quality and affordability, as a piece with this content is at least 75% pure gold.
Jewelry using crystal or onyx can be great statement pieces. Not only will you feel fabulous about your beautiful jewelry, but you’ll also feel fabulous about how much you saved.
If you are a jewelry maker who sells at craft fairs, holiday markets and such, you may have trouble coming up with ways to properly display it. When you are out looking for materials to create your jewelry, remember to think about creative displays. You can make attractive jewelry displays out of virtually anything, baskets, racks, cigar boxes even a wig stand could make an offbeat place to show your wares.
Always be mindful of your budget when you are buying jewelry. Going into great amounts of debt so you can have a fabulous ring on your finger is a poor financial decision. Those on a budget will want to select a cheaper ring to begin with. You can upgrade when you are a bit more financially sound.
Give your loved one a special surprise with a new piece of jewelry. Almost all women love to receive jewelry. She gets a new piece of jewelry, and you get the joy of watching her open it with an expression of delight.
Having read this, you should now know some tips to use when you are going to buy watches, necklaces, cuff links, etc. Keep this advice in mind in order to save both time and money when buying jewelry.